Something was definitely fishy wit that shrink who clearly went out of his way to council Lisbon. I imagined it was one of two things, he either had a wild crush on her and was waiting for the right moment to turn his sessions into some kind of mushy mushy vibe or he was up to something. Honestly I believed it was the first, the entire set up was kind of neat.
The classic part of this episode was watching Jane hypnotize Lisbon and take advantage of it. How did it benefit him to know whether or not she dances to Spice Girls. Although he didn't show it on the surface, he did care about Lisbon's fate as a detective. He lied for her when she claimed to be watching television the night of the murder. He even helped her smoke out the true culprit and clear the suspicions around her.
I knew Robin Tunney from 'Prison Break' and I admired her ability to create Veronica into the shape and form she was, but when I saw the scene with her dancing to Spice Girls music and acting as though she was high then to transform when the psychiatrist presented himself to be a hoax, I definitely applauded her. She has definitely shaped Lisbon into her own self. What added to the benefit of this episode was getting some great insight into Lisbon's family life and also seeing a fraction of how she lived as Teresa.
I knew Lisbon didn't do it, at least that would be the end of her career as a detective and the Mentalist would not do so well in jail, at least Robin Tunney could have taken what she learnt from 'Prison Break' for the betterment of the series. The breakthrough of the real villain incriminating himself by admission of the cross,I have to admit myself was a weak revelation. The frame was well, but after breaking the glass in your office and temporarily going insane, I expected more.
That's the perks that comes with being a detective, there would come those moments where someone blames you for a crime you could have easily prevented, but couldn't really save the world with. You just have to completely check out those you work with or pay to council you, they very well may be your enemy.
Four Stars
Grade B-
1 comment:
It also looked as though Lisbon and Bosco had a thing going on, could Patrick use that to his advantage?
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