I actually felt sorry for Cate here, they made her out to be the pathetic parent that sits around and mopes around while everyone else has fun. She didn't really play fun mom very well either and the only possible storyline her fiancee gets is in the radio station, other than that, he can be easily left out on the sidelines as well.
I want a scene between Lux and Ryan (some possible step-father, step-daughter bonding). Ryan doesn't seem to be part of the family, they always leave him out of the picture. If he's marrying Cate he has to establish some sort of relationship with Lux. In the pilot they had Lux be a fan of Cate's show, and now it's like she doesn't listen to them anymore, as though they lost her interest. It is as though she got to know them so well that they aren't fan worthy anymore.
Cate is still a touchy topic for me, I still don't know whether to like her. She sends Bazile mixed signals at the same time leading her fiancee on. It leaves me wondering where she stands, because I feel more of a connection between her and Bazile than I would with her and Ryan.
I am happy that Bazile was able to bond with his father. My draw dropped when he shouted at Lux the way his father shouted at him. That was psychologically expressive and an additional fact that happens in real life. Bazile's father continues to slam him with bad incentives and blew it when he pulled the parenting card. Let's face it, who would like their father constantly telling them 'they suck' even when a good deed is stuck somewhere in there. It was a refresher having the softer side to his father present and an understanding into why he's such the bad cop all the time.
That is where Lux gave perspective. It amazes me how intuitive she is to giving advice and giving prospect to other people's lives, but when it comes to her life, she can really mess up. I still don't understand her reasoning behind fitting in with the meanbies. Her boyfriend is actually hard core and understanding with Lux and going to a completely different school. I hope she doesn't go for the jock, Bug is way more attractive and level headed. I don't believe Lux felt ashamed of them to lie (she's truly a horrible liar), but I believe she didn't want them to face the same embarrassment she would have. Lux doesn't need to fit in, she actually has everything in her life; a boyfriend, an actual best friend, a cool dad and a by the book mom, and a roof over her head. Some may even consider her fortunate compared to the life she used to live.
Again, I don't want to watch just another high-school mean girls drama series. I want insight into Cate's and Bazile's past before they had Lux, because I am still uncertain as to how the entire adoption thing came about and an understanding into what made them come together in the past. I actually want more insight into Cate's mom and sister.
I thought the turtle racing would have been lame when the actually turtles arrived, but everything turned out to be a blast in the end. What I don't understand is why the writers chose to give Cate's best friend a husband and step-children, when they are obviously hinting to us a connection between her and Bazile's friend (Jamie).
Four Stars
Grade B-
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