Harvesting the true essence of Smallvile. Setting the highest of all standards, Smallville places another hit in the mix. Such quality doesn't seem to surprise me anymore. The writers have taken the majority of the first season to explore the Lois and Clark connection and I am loving it. Although I miss characters like Chloe (Allison Mack), the writing has made Clois appeal to all our desires. Watching Clark glow in front of Lois, especially the moments where he constantly referred to Lois as his girlfriend, was gold for me. I honestly cannot get enough of this roll Smallville is on, as I anticipate "Ambush", the following thrilling installment which refreshingly includes Lois' father.
Finally "dum da dum dummmm" the moment we have all waited for, well at least I have anticipated the moment where Lois and Clark consummate their relationship. Although I had hoped for it to be right after a romantic evening together, but I guess pitch forks and being burned to the steak, could be a mood booster as well. I'm guessing this only means the beginning and Smallville fans would be in for a long ride before the completion of the series. Still I hope that this series would live on, if not on television, but in our hearts. It has earned the right to give true meaning to fans, and I imagine future fan-fiction, being plastered all over the internet.
Tom Welling (Clark) looked extra hunky in "Harvest". The plot line surrounding the episode was the essence of a ghost town, looking for their latest sacrifice; Lois unfortunately fell prey to their misguided beliefs. Although I liked the plot, it still seemed like a filler episode, the only advancements in plot-lines we got were the Lois and Clark revelation and the rebirth of Lex Luthor. For the Luthor part, I truly anticipated a surprise Michael Rosenbaum appearance, I missed his presence on Smallville.
From the moment we discovered the blue Kryptonite, we knew that this town was not as it seemed and the little girl was not as innocent as she portrayed with the lemonade in the beginning (I mean, who walks around selling lemonade in a deserted place?). Something was definitely up with that girl and I kept wondering as she mysteriously appeared and Clark got a flat tire (convenient), where were her parents?. Lois should not have gone anywhere with that girl, especially since she knew Clark would have been back in two seconds, so why she leave? Her fight with Clark was more playful than serious anyway. Still I appreciated the moments before the flat tire and the twenty questions Lois asked Clark regarding his Kryptonian legacy. Lois seemed so enchanted by his legacy. The mere fact that she was dating "The Blur" and the Clark Kent she loved in one package, made it worthwhile for her.
I believe Lois spent her entire life a free spirit. She didn't anticipate falling in love with anyone, and she was more interested in traveling the world than becoming a reporter. What I admired about Lois in the past, was how we see her transformation and how easily she learns new things about her life. It is almost like reality; we begin one journey and end at new destination we didn't know were possible. Here we have Lois living her dream and being a beautiful woman. It is somewhat inspiring; as she learns, we learn at the same rate!
As far as the storyline goes, it was an interesting plot. We can now see Clark in his human form, just as vulnerable as Lois. I resented the local officer for knocking him out just because he heard some bells ringing - so what! The town that no one is supposed to know about (so they killed everyone that walked by!). It shows the capability of the mind when trapped in a situation for a long time. perception is key in discovering how to live a life, and how to lead a people and was the little girl's father leading his people astray? Maybe he had the right idea, but the wrong concept, who knows? Anything that involved killing Lois was a bad plan for me. Still when Clark dove to save Lois and have the burning flame scorch his back, to save her life, his love for her was felt. It consumed the entire moment when he picked after she blurted out "This is a sign" to the people who stared at Clark as though he were a god.
Lois truly praised Clark in that moment. She went on and on long enough before Clark sped of with her. This was indeed a simple episode with deeper meaning rooted through the surface, and I enjoyed this piece.
On a side note, another revelation would be the four year growth in Alexander -!whoops!- now known as Lex Luthur. Tess' love for Alexander blinded her from his flaws. As a boy he may have been innocent, but a couple of years later he sprung his true colors. It reminds you of how the original Lex was. Did Tess truly believe that Lex would make a perfect boy opposite to the person he turned out to be in the end? She resented the notion of having her little boy locked up, as she loved Alexander like a son, but as Tess formed an alliance with "The Blur", she has an obligation to her team to do what's best for the world. I enjoyed the older look-a-like to the boy Tess loved, when she felt like a mother. Still, why didn't Tess save the cure for Alexander? It could possibly stop his growth, but could it have also removed those dreams Lex planted in him? Who knows? We certainly wouldn't, and I doubt Tess could take it upon herself to kill the boy she raised, even if it was for a short time.
I admire Tess' growth as well, she has transformed and her beauty is shown in her good nature. I have high hopes for her, but she didn't need to bend down to Alexander as though she were begging him, it showed off her weakness through him. The final scene where Alexander shaved off his hair, was that just instinct? Must he look like the Luthor replica, or couldn't he appreciate his hair for once. It solidified Lex Luthor's official birth, and it meant that Clark had another enemy to battle.
Picture Courtesy: static.tvguide.com
Four and a Half Stars
Grade A-
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