Happy 2011!!! This time Christmas has come and gone, and we meet a new year together. There is still time to reflect on the shows that have been with us and the others that have left. There are even those odd shows that managed to spring into an additional favorite. Here is my end of the year list. For 2010 we were introduced to a loathsome of series, so the list was increased to the top 40. Before we continue, let's give a thumbs up to a new follower to my blog!!! Always appreciated!
My Favorite 2010 Series.
Cougar Town - This series outdid itself in its first season, mainly because off Courtney Cox. I always imagined another "Friends" comeback, as though there would be something that would make you lake until you cried, or for weeks on end. Cougar Town may have come really close, but missed it in the second half of the first season. Somehow the second season has moved farther away from the "Cougar" aspect, and moved towards this friends appeal. It's no "Friends" but I still appreciate the quirky, so it made my top 40. Although it still means I expect more, hopefully more than they have given us.
39) The Office - What went wrong this year? For me the Office lost it's edge, sometime after Jim and Pam got married. They often had their once in a blue funny episode out of the season, but it just doesn't last for weeks end on like it used to. The new characters have added an appeal. Hey what happened to Timothy Olyphant? The guy who Pam dated before Jim? I found a new reason to look forward to 'The Office'. Since Steve Carell is leaving 'The Office', I don't know what much they could do after that.
38) Life Unexpected - I always liked the concept of this series, but they just missed the point and turned it into a romantic drama instead.
Hawthorne - Oh how I enjoy having Jada Pinketh Smith deliver her lines here. She is truly a brilliant actress in this series. Although I often questioned her relationship with Tom, the series managed to pull through. The only problem I have with this one is the fact that it's just too short! Come on, we really need more episodes to tell the full story.
Undercovers - I liked this one probably after the first two episodes. I just couldn't really connect with any character, except the annoying Bill Hoyt obsessed with Steven Bloom. I looked forward to what more sucking up he could actually do, you would think it would get stale after a while, but he gives it a comedy boost.
No Ordinary Family - Now we all understood that this was definitely No Ordinary Family. Could we get beyond that premise now? There were a few episodes that stood out for me, the fight scenes with the Mrs. Everything else seems so ordinary even in the extraordinary. I was so fed up with Jim Powell's co workers picking on him, being a sketch artist is such a unique job. At most, it requires a level of skill that could amaze many, so weren't his co workers impressed. The lack of support made Jim's character at work seem so pointless. It would have made more sense if even they had a few co workers patting him on the back for helping them solve a big case. That was probably a big deal that was ruined, also we as the audience wonder 'how did they get their powers?', if it wasn't the water, then what was it?
Burn Notice - Well I am surprised I have Burn Notice here, instead of in the early part of this. It has gotten washed down and frankly, the characters are beginning to annoy me. The clients are predictable, the mother, Michael and his discovering who burned him; these are all repetitive formulas that often work against the series. As for the Finale, (SPOILER) Michael finally back in the organization was a huge surprise, probably why I was a bit lenient. (END SPOILER) I still do not think think that things would get better from there, especially since the writers plan on souring Michael and Fiona's relationship. I almost forgot they were still dating until those last few episodes.
White Collar - This was a fresh one in the beginning and it still remains that way. The only fault it has is the pace; there aren't many high points of even lows, there is an equal level of fun and enjoyment. That can work for the good and the bad. There was one I can remember when the Kate's storyline escalated, but that is just one I can think of. Now I don't think I care about Kate, since Caffrey appears carefree without her. Maybe they should of shown scenes of them together in the past to makes the audience establish a connection between them. I still admire this one though.
Justified - Hmm The main star says all, Nuff said! Well that and its interesting plot; seems like something you know, but unlike something you've seen before, very subtle and country-like.
Scoundrels - Did not expect to like this, kept watching because of Tony from 24, as the cop that fell for the wife in the plot. Very interesting twist, but Tony was less interesting. The other characters out-shined him greatly.
Royal Pains - What a Royal Pain in the ^&%. Ok, but truly this is an interesting series, I always thought it would be one of those typical doctor shows you've seen before, but in fact the characters add a little appeal that makes it stand firm long enough to anticipate another season.
29) Drop Dead Diva - How refreshing to have this Legal drama, mixed in with fun and enjoyment.
Rizzoli & Isles - Crime drama, but the characters actually make this one interesting.
The Glades - This was one series I happened to cross over, between channels, but it had this way of hooking you in.
26) Desperate Housewives - I missed several seasons for this series, but I began watching again this season, and it's makes an interesting Sunday.
Rookie Blue - I was really excited for Rookie Blue; the promos were solid and I couldn't wait for the next episode. The one thing I did not like was the relationship aspect of it, although I appreciated the attachment to the detective, they made Callaghan and Andy move too fast as a couple and ruined it as quickly.
Outsourced - Surprisingly, this turned out to be interesting, I didn't think I would like this one. A little bit of comedy encourages an appreciative sense of humor for this flick.
Memphis Beat - Cool, mellow and talented. I am certain there are more words used to describe this one, but the musicality of it would make you smile.
22) Parks & Recreation - Still funny, and it was missed at a good part of 2010.
Outlaw - How much more would they cancel! Legal drama, I could have used a few more episodes.
Leverage - Clever and fresh, but could use a little more sprucing up.
19) V - Let's see what more happens in 2011, but this was a fresh series, with unexpected twists.
18) Bones - Cannot get enough of Brennan and Booth, but the writers really need to do something about the tension that is still there among Brennan, Booth and his girlfriend. The Brennan-Booth connection was just left in mid air.
Raising Hope - Surprisingly refreshing. Definitely check this one out.
Grey's Anatomy - I began watching this along side Private Practice again, but it still doesn't compare.
House - Huddy fan, but House has this way of being extremely saddening at times, and yet funny. House's comments are for the funny, and he has his moments.
Castle - Brilliant, but please give us more of the Castle and Beckett we love!
Lie To Me - I began watching this one for the first time in 2010, the first episode seemed so plain, or otherwise trying to hard, so I just didn't bother. It is only through a recommendation from a friend that brought the hook this season.
Hellcats - Wow, Tom Welling behind the scenes producing this fine quality. Excellent depiction of characters and plot.
11) The Mentalist - Still waiting to here more surrounding Jane's past, rather than case after case, week after week.
The Defenders - You would love this one; a legal drama with lawyers that seem to care more than what we've seen before. You would enjoy every bit.
Dark Blue - You guys know how I feel about this one. Oh how I miss it already, you cannot get a team like this that would produce such flawless quality.
Human Target - First season had it flat moments, but this season keeps climbing heights. You would not regret setting aside your day around this one, I believe it would be worth it. Share some popcorn if you must or throw it.
Chase - Definitely a Chase, definitely needs more support.
Parenthood - I loved this from day one, it manages to be the neighbors you knew next door, the family you shared thanksgiving with, the friend you never knew would come through and would love you so much.
Blue Bloods - Another family show, in competition with Parenthood.I always admired the family aspect of this one that draws you in on a Friday. Coupled with Smallville this makes for a fun filled evening. If you guys are familiar with Samantha Who, do you remember Samantha's best friend Andrea? Well she stars alongside Danny (the main star) in this flick, but imagine her as a strong lead role, she aces her partner arc and ads the comedy every show craves to have. Definitely worth the entire hour.
Private Practice - Of course, my all time favorite series, since Addison came on, that would definitely be day one. There has been a constant sad appeal, but the writing is well portrayed.
Smallville - Still in my top 5. Growing stronger and leading its way into an epic appeal. Smallville stands on its own as the strongest series on television, gladly it would meet its end with a decent finale. Clois makes this series for me, but there are other arcs that makes this one score with great heights.
The Good Wife - This is a new burst of fun. Well written, well depicted, brilliant acting, you would not go wrong with popcorn at the television screen, bring a tissue (Well that's too dramatic). I find myself setting aside things just to find out more surrounding Alicia's life. Alicia spends most of her time providing for her family, her job also means the world to her. I believe that it is not only for the money, but her passion for doing her job. You guys should watch this one if you haven't already started. Worth the runner up position.
Nikita - Dun dun da dun dun pah! Yup it's Nikita! From the first episode I didn't expect to love this so much, but I did and now it's a fresh series that made the number one slot. Well done and Keep it up. It would not get old.
Favorite New Series
Blue Bloods - Another cop show, but what makes this one stand out? Oh, the mystery and real downtown appearance, then it's back home to the family, a big family that has this warmth and you admire them for it. Danny and his partner hmm what a pair, though I hope they would keep Andrea from "Samantha Who" as a regular, make her permanent. Don't miss it, this is fairly new so you could still catch up, experience another well written series on television among the few.
Chase - It's a chase that you could catch up with. Something about this one brings it home, and makes it stand out among others with the same theme. I know most compared it with "In Plain Sight", but there is more action and goes beyond the sappy, while getting to the point. I did miss "In Plain Sight", which missed my slot this year for its long absence, but Chase is unlike it. Annie frost is different and there is more to her that I like, and I hope the writers would take this seriously to know that there are fans that appreciate this one!
The Defenders - You know, the lawyer show has been done, used over and over again. You know this doesn't come off lawyer-ish to me, it has this friend in need feel to it. Lawyers that don't represent a company, but represent the people and I appreciate this newbie. You might actually find it as warming.
The Glades - As I mentioned earlier, in between channels "The Glades" made it appearance, and it had this comedy sort to it and I watched on until the hour was up. It is simple, may have been done before, but I still like it.
Hellcats - You know cheerleader, best friend - turned into relationship drama hmm added with Ashely Tisdale, I expected a typical plot, tuning out after the first episode. Strangely Alyson Michalka made her appearance and that girl showed of some slick moves and hardcore abs working it on the dance floor. She gave it a certain edge, smooth and likable in fact. Her conflicted character brings it home and the finale; I felt really sorry for Marti (Which reminds me of a few more reviews to end off - coming soon, hopefully before it begins again). Any show that has this effect could really leave an impact, surprising one indeed.
Memphis Beat - It has this Elvis feel to it, of course the main star is obsessed with similar vocals. I haven't done much research into his character, but if he sings all his tunes, he is very inspirational, loaded with talent. It keeps you going back to hear the latest, that and the story attached, very smooth.
Nikita - Well, well, it looks as though I actually got attached to Nikita. I didn't expect it, but I did try to be objective and it paid off. I find myself tuning in to old episodes, even the pilot that I found questionable in the earlies. I smile now at what I felt for the pilot and understood why I may have felt defensive of "La Femme Nikita". I may like the pilot a little more than before, but I loved every single episode afterward.
Raising Hope - Ha! Would you believe I laughed in the beginning, I mean genuinely out of the direct uncanny sense of humor these writers had for this one. Poor hope, poor Jimmy!
Rizzoli & Isles - You know I just like the quirkiness of Maura and the blunt Jane. Those two just I don't know how to explain it - crack you up!
Rookie Blue - Remove all the relationship drama, these cops have a long journey to travel and we love being in the passenger seat with them.
Scoundrels - What were you thinking, this show needs some more tough cops, probably Jack Bauer would have been a good addition. I applaud Cheryl West for her incentive to go beyond what her husband expected her to have for her life, but kissing the cop in the end, just before the husband walks through to door, definitely expecting a continuation.
Unexpected Series 'Wows'!
Covert Affairs
The Defenders
The Good Wife
Human Target - This Season Especially!
Memphis Beat - Expected this one to be boring.
Outsourced - Expected this to be really lame.
Series Blows
24 (Finale that is)
Burn Notice - A Slow decline this season
The Event - What went wrong? They just continued to throw the audience in an unexplained merry-go-round, leaving us puzzled in the end. We are now confused as to who are the aliens they claim and well everything else.
Life Unexpected - Disappointing. Expected this season to get better.
Make it or Break it - Lauren just needs to grow up or go.
The Office - How many times could Steve Carell act just Michael enough to survive the half hour, even he needs a break from this.
The Whole Truth - Lost its ability to capture an audience. I liked the concept, but it just got lame and repetitive. I stopped watching this before the cancellation was announced.
Most Missed Series of All Time!
Dark Blue
Men In Trees
Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Xena Warrior Princess
My New Years Wish-list
We need more good series' that actually stays on for a few more seasons, just a few is all I ask. A few episodes and a spur of the moment series finale, would not cut it anymore!
Hope Everyone had a Merry Christmas and Lexa wishes you a Happy New Year!
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