How strange it is to create such beauty in one hour; to tell an entire story and make it seem as though it were a movie-like premiere. John Glover as Lionel was a sweet refresher. Even since we have not seen his acting on Smallville in a while, any recurrence from the old days would be a great boost (well, with the exception of one particular who crashed season 8). In the earlies, a little way after the first season, I wasn't such an avid fan as I am especially now, since things got heated. Lionel was not my favorite character in the past, but he had his moments then, and now was his moment to shine. I don't know what is it with this season; be it the writers, new inspiration or just the best in character chemistry, but this season is blooming. Even the laziest story-lines surprise us, and it is the same show we've been looking at for years.
We cope however, and lavish at this new beauty, even with the gloomiest patch involving the majority of "Luthor", managing to stand firm as one of the best this season. Imagine our surprise when Clark woke up in a dark time, almost close to black and shadows, no color whatsoever. This could point to the way they saw this alter universe, almost as though something went wrong. We knew Clark was not home; the two women wrapped up in his arms as soon as he woke proved that much and the "Clark Luthor" reference may have raised a few eyebrows, but Glover nailed that, and it was proven Clark was indeed far from home. Glover delivered that Luthor line with such passion, it was good acting on his part.
The storyline took shape when Tess received a Kryptonian artifact and a slight betrayal after Clark discovered a Luthor clone (Alexander) was missing and Tess knew about it. The entire mood in the beginning set the tone for this gloomy time that spun out of control. Clark still doesn't trust Tess to the fullest and slightest errors like that would be cause for concern in his eyes, but after handling the artifact, this spun Clark into this strange world, the audience figured was not anywhere near the Metropolis we knew. There was this insatiable thrill to this world, something we've probably seen in the comics, now come to life. Lionel with a sword brought back memories for the Lex/Lionel battle in past seasons, and now this world had to offer the same battle, with Clark as the replacement son. Who knew! Clark as a Luthor? I didn't think it could be done, but then the story unraveled.
Piecing the plot together, it was so obscure, even worse when Tess planted a kiss on Clark, wanting to rid him of his clothes. Hands off! We're probably the first words that surfaced, and Clark hung in there a bit too long. When I saw the promos for this episode and Tess was kissing Clark, I hoped for a reasonable explanation. The alter universe explanation just didn't cut it, perhaps the writers wanted to have a reason to get anyone to kiss Wellings lips before the finale. Hey why don't they have another guest star appearance, I'm sure I could think up a decent storyline before the series closes. I just know of many friends that would be interested in being cast for that role. Going back on track however, I did some research on the alter universe; this Ultraman that appeared in Clark's role. Ultraman was very familiar to me, and it made sense when I read his biography. He is definitely the bad ass version of Clark (emphasis on bad, probably on ass as well).
Tom Welling really did a wonderful job, I despised the Ultraman Clark portrayed. He was full of it, cold and disheartened, anyone's nightmare. There was also the Earth one and Earth two reference between worlds. That does makes sense, imagine having an opposite you in another world, could be strange either way. Clark (Ultraman), needed to be slapped. Lionel spoiled him a bit too much over the years, Lois couldn't even grasp the concept of liking him, who would anyway, well except Tess, his sister (of no real relation). Still that kiss scene was really deep, as though lots of practice went into it. What didn't surprise me was how much Tess loved kissing Ultraman, as though it were something she wanted to get off her chest a long time. The one thing she knew, was that Clark was no where near there, even as the look a like stood right in front of her.
The storyline of this entire plot was just priceless. This Earth two realization portrayed an Oliver and Lois romance, but there was no real passion between them. That Lois seemed lost, as though she only settled for loving Oliver. The writers purposefully did that, I am certain. They have centered Smallville around Clois and the kisses with Tess only tested a lot of fans patience, but it was well made up for in the end when Clark returned home and Lois knew he was back just by looking into his eyes. Kind of amazing not so? To think that the one you love would know you so well, that you could count on them for that. I am happy that Lois knew Clark's secret then. It surprised me how much damage Ultraman caused in Clark's world without making any headway in getting the artifact to destroy it and remain on earth. Watchtower was damaged, but a bruised Lois with a weapon in her hand, was lack of a match, especially since they were fighting someone as invincible as Clark.
Nonetheless, such brilliance! Lionel in Clark's time in the end, topped the platter after he faded into the crowd (The time seemed pail then, beautiful coloring)! I know this one was late guys, but I am glad to have it up, also the mid-season finale review "Icarus", would be posted soon enough.
Picture Courtesy: teaser-trailer.com
Five Stars
Grade A
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