So after finding out more information on this topic it became amazing how much support this series had. On Monday, July 18th 2012, all of Missing fans are gathering, now I am not sure if it is in front of the TNT Network. All I was told was that all fans make every effort to get TNT's attention. I was overwhelmed with the participation of members across the world. Since TNT is based well here in the US, those located internationally can spend time contacting them as much as they could. You can read up more here on how you can help. Members agreed that TNT Network is the most suitable choice to house our series. So here's how...
The site mentioned some details that would be helpful for Missing fans that want to get involved.
Our first MISSING assignment! On June 18th, 2012 we all fans are going to contact TNT Network for saving the show.
TNT Network
-Karen Cassell (Atlanta/ Senior Vice President)
-Jennifer Greene [Atlanta/ VP (TNT and TBS)]
-Gina McKenzie [Atlanta/ VP (TNT, TBS and TCM)]
--Also you can post on TNT Network Facebook page and Twitter page about saving Missing.
I was happy to hear that this series had impacted others in this way. Most times I fall for a series and whenever it is cancelled I usually settled for an "Oh well". I would write a post on how sad I felt to have my series leave, but that did not seem like enough. You ever had that feeling where you could have put your best foot forward, up until the moment passes for you to do so?
So guys we have an appointment June 18th, 2012? It sounds like fun. The information the site provided has given us a lot of information to work with. I know you have been busy with my posts on sign the petition, but those who want to go the extra mile here's a good start.
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Sunday, June 17, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Fairly Legal "Finale" Review - Ben and Kate Neighbors?
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Kate on her own, this we must see. |
Justin is now where Kate was a few years ago, trying to blend work and home. That was the very same thing that he saw unattractive in Kate earlier on. As much as Justin has grown as a character Leo was right, we love him but Kate is not moving in his direction. When the finale ended with Kate meeting her new neighbor it was slightly expected. Why would Ben have this sudden interest in where Kate was staying. Still wouldn't that be awkward if she was moving in it with Justin? Maybe Ben knew Justin well enough to understand his taste and Kate well enough to know what she would eat up. That would surely push them further apart if she and Justin both stayed there together. Someone would be grumpy, if not both. Although that was not up to Ben to make apparent to Kate.
When it comes to moving on, Lauren surely had the bright idea. Even though she was dating, Robin Archer was a riskier deal. Lauren likes risks. Going up against Davidson was a risk as there was no guarantee Justin would win the race. That just made Lauren an even more likable character. Even her relationship with Kate has matured. I wonder what Kate has as her ringtone for Lauren now. They stopped doing that after a while. Robin Archer was a late addition to the plot and the finale gave us too much information to sink in. The word of a scandal with Davidson's involvement seemed premature. If it had been introduced earlier in the plot, I would have been more invested.
The finale just seemed to tie up some loose ends by default making Justin a winner. I wanted Justin to win on his pure merit. Yeah right, Davidson finally found himself and his family in the end. Archer was a man of many tales. He too should have established a connection earlier in this series. He and Lauren have deep chemistry. Provided that Season 3 is in gear, I would love to see how that relationship evolves. There were also sidelines with the FBI, a flash drive with information to destroy Davidson's career, Kate playing detective (risky). It was all too much to sink in. However the merits of what Kate discovered in herself made up for that.
Kate finally made her choice. She was not scared into something or out running away. She clearly saw that she and Justin were in different places in their lives. They love each other, but if Kate cannot even come to terms with them as a couple, then their relationship would not work. They were finding an apartment, but Kate still saw him as her divorced ex, always introducing him in the negative, that would only pollute them as a pair.
Season 3 should now focus on maintaining that responsible Kate. She has her own apartment and she should not second guess herself. As much as I like Ben, Kate still needs some of her own figuring out to do. Jumping into them as a couple would have Kate make too many mistakes to compensate. I still cannot believe this season was so short.
Did Davidson refer to Reed and Reed as Bitc$# and Bitc$#? That's right Ben you clear that up for him. They are Bitc$#, Bitc$# and Jacka%$
Rating 4.5 Stars
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Lauren and Archer:
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Friday, June 15, 2012
Fairly Legal "Force Majeure" Review
Lawyers, who needs 'em! That's basically Kate philosophy. It seems like not many shows have made the job of a mediator popular. Who wants to see everybody win? This is probably one of the things I like about Kate, she wants fair at all cost. Kate not only made a friend in "Force Majeure", but also an ally for the future. She and Claudia seem to carry the same principles. When Kate dragged Justin along for the ride after the concert, the atmosphere was so uncomfortable.
Claudia: So you guys are married...
Kate: what no um, Justin is my friend, boyfriend, no wait we're just dating, almost no recently divorced. (Words to that effect)
I am sure you were just as confused with Kate's terminology for her relationship with Justin. She just did not nail it.
The moment Justin went into the limo for the after party, I knew something was up. Even more so when he hinted he had something big the next day. I had expected some kind of hangover episode that would taint his reputation in politics, working in Davidson's favor. Suddenly Davidson is doing all he could to discredit him. I think I am just rooting for Lauren to come out on top of this since she practically became Davidson's enemy. No good would come of that.
Kate's confusion however srinkles on to everyone around her. YEah Kate, why wouldn't you buy that car from that site Leo mentioned. (We hardly saw Leo here...) which reminds me how sad Ben looks now. I expected his character to be written as cold again. Going back to the old Ben would have seemed practical, but this guy is acting in love don't you think? Nope, well... I figure Kate reached a crack in his surface. Once that crack was opened Ben couldn't help himself. With their one on one last week in the hot tub, Ben was being real. There were no games. Still she settles. I always wondered why Kate would hook up with Justin as though he were that random guy you met in a bar. It's cliche. She has all these freshman moments with this guy that was supposed to be her husband. Justin becomes more of a stranger when he's around Kate, which proves their relationship keeps going in reverse.
"Force Majeure" cleared up some dangling loose ends. As much as I was open to Kate making a decision and sticking to it, I also wanted to know whether being a political wife was in her DNA. Firstly persuading Justin to go to an after party was not such a good idea, especially with his life under a microscope. Davidson might have been the guy behind the drugs on purpose if Claudia was not in the picture. Claudia still proved to be innocent. When the random car hit the limo, Justin looked at it with the classic TV look. You guys know it. Something was off, but then the cops show up. That was another hinky. It was funny to hear Ben exploit the conspiracy Claudia spoke of. One thing this episode proved was that Ben and Kate work well as a team.
Sarah Shahi commented on her character Kate as being emotionally scared that resembles a somewhat childlike behavior. We saw that this season. We also got to see a different side to Kate here, she was more loose at the concert because that was something she loved and was not afraid to admit it. Josefina Scaglione (Claudia) did a good job in her acting role, by also playing something she is good at professionally. Did she give a special copy of her song to Kate and Ben? It was funny how in sync they were in the end.
Speaking of relationships, what's with Lauren and the billionaire. She was her normal self, but with extra caution. She and Kate may share the same fear when it comes to men. It was nice and awkward somewhat when Kate and Lauren had their 'girl chat'. I am still getting used to them. Lauren has proven herself to be someone you can count on.
I still think Kate needs time to grow between now and the finale (yup the finale is up already). Claudia proved to be the voice of reason for Kate. The conspiracy added a little excitement in this mix that allowed Ben and Kate to work together. Davidson did not make an appearance, but he still annoyed me, him and his pawn. All in politics. Most likely the finale would tie all these loose ends together. I still am not certain whether Fairly Legal was picked up. It is a genuine show that makes you root for characters, but is that enough?
This episode closed with a happy-sad ending. They won the case for Claudia, but Ben and Kate were lost separately. I still cannot get over how much Ben has grown on me. He is mature and ready for any fight. I guess that's what Kate is craving in her own life. I still wonder whether Kate left being a lawyer because she wanted to be fair, or because being in the middle is easier when you can't make up your mind.
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Rating 4.0 Stars
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Claudia: So you guys are married...
Kate: what no um, Justin is my friend, boyfriend, no wait we're just dating, almost no recently divorced. (Words to that effect)
I am sure you were just as confused with Kate's terminology for her relationship with Justin. She just did not nail it.
The moment Justin went into the limo for the after party, I knew something was up. Even more so when he hinted he had something big the next day. I had expected some kind of hangover episode that would taint his reputation in politics, working in Davidson's favor. Suddenly Davidson is doing all he could to discredit him. I think I am just rooting for Lauren to come out on top of this since she practically became Davidson's enemy. No good would come of that.
Kate's confusion however srinkles on to everyone around her. YEah Kate, why wouldn't you buy that car from that site Leo mentioned. (We hardly saw Leo here...) which reminds me how sad Ben looks now. I expected his character to be written as cold again. Going back to the old Ben would have seemed practical, but this guy is acting in love don't you think? Nope, well... I figure Kate reached a crack in his surface. Once that crack was opened Ben couldn't help himself. With their one on one last week in the hot tub, Ben was being real. There were no games. Still she settles. I always wondered why Kate would hook up with Justin as though he were that random guy you met in a bar. It's cliche. She has all these freshman moments with this guy that was supposed to be her husband. Justin becomes more of a stranger when he's around Kate, which proves their relationship keeps going in reverse.
"Force Majeure" cleared up some dangling loose ends. As much as I was open to Kate making a decision and sticking to it, I also wanted to know whether being a political wife was in her DNA. Firstly persuading Justin to go to an after party was not such a good idea, especially with his life under a microscope. Davidson might have been the guy behind the drugs on purpose if Claudia was not in the picture. Claudia still proved to be innocent. When the random car hit the limo, Justin looked at it with the classic TV look. You guys know it. Something was off, but then the cops show up. That was another hinky. It was funny to hear Ben exploit the conspiracy Claudia spoke of. One thing this episode proved was that Ben and Kate work well as a team.
Sarah Shahi commented on her character Kate as being emotionally scared that resembles a somewhat childlike behavior. We saw that this season. We also got to see a different side to Kate here, she was more loose at the concert because that was something she loved and was not afraid to admit it. Josefina Scaglione (Claudia) did a good job in her acting role, by also playing something she is good at professionally. Did she give a special copy of her song to Kate and Ben? It was funny how in sync they were in the end.
Speaking of relationships, what's with Lauren and the billionaire. She was her normal self, but with extra caution. She and Kate may share the same fear when it comes to men. It was nice and awkward somewhat when Kate and Lauren had their 'girl chat'. I am still getting used to them. Lauren has proven herself to be someone you can count on.
I still think Kate needs time to grow between now and the finale (yup the finale is up already). Claudia proved to be the voice of reason for Kate. The conspiracy added a little excitement in this mix that allowed Ben and Kate to work together. Davidson did not make an appearance, but he still annoyed me, him and his pawn. All in politics. Most likely the finale would tie all these loose ends together. I still am not certain whether Fairly Legal was picked up. It is a genuine show that makes you root for characters, but is that enough?
This episode closed with a happy-sad ending. They won the case for Claudia, but Ben and Kate were lost separately. I still cannot get over how much Ben has grown on me. He is mature and ready for any fight. I guess that's what Kate is craving in her own life. I still wonder whether Kate left being a lawyer because she wanted to be fair, or because being in the middle is easier when you can't make up your mind.
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Rating 4.0 Stars
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Thursday, June 14, 2012
Missing "The Three Bears" Review - The Heist
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Love is but a genuine affection |
Giancarlo was my favorite charater here. I not only had my questions about him and Becca answered; they were a couple in love, but it was obvious that they still loved each other. Giancarlo more so had more of a tell. When it came to Becca, he would stop at nothing to help her. Which made this bank robbery/heist so intriguing, they worked so well together. I also found Dax to be quite the opposite. As soon as they started to suspect Becca of knowing something about Paul's disappearance/fake death ploy, they just cut her out of the loop. What's wrong with that? Telling someone "I suspect you" and "I am cutting you out" is not going to get you answers. It would make the 'suspect' more alert and attempt to find clever ways of getting around you. Case and point, Becca served him a checkmate.
Dax can come across naive sometimes. Especially for a guy with high honors in the agency, running a task group came off as the weakest point in his career. He went from completely trusting Becca, to being distrustful of her. I know there would be moments where you question someone's intentions, but Becca's intentions have been clear from the beginning. Are we as fans searching Becca to see if she knew Paul was alive, or hinted it? I certainly was, but she cleared that up. It seems like Dax searches for answers from others. Since his supervisor mentioned Becca was not to be trusted, he went on that. I had only hoped he would set aside time to pick one side and stick to it.
We know Becca's story, but at some points it seems like others have forgotten that Michael was captured. The agency is not doing everything they could to find him, Becca is. A disadvantage to showing Michael's side, is that we feel he is safe in this huge castle. We don't know what the bad guys have planned for him, but for now he seems okay. Which also makes the other story lines crucial. "Missing" does not disappoint. As much as I find myself interested in Michael's well being, I still focus mainly only Becca's storyline. How odd was it that Paul set up an account for Becca, Michael and himself? How did the bank get the three fingerprints on record without Becca's knowledge? The manager of that bank was convincing as someone you do not cross. She was good at her job. She went up against the CIA and won.
"Open that vault or I'm calling your supervisor"
"Wait I have him on the phone"
Pretty funny, but we got the point. No one was getting in there without a personal account. Does that security make you convinced that your valuables would be safe? Becca still found a way to screw with the system. I would have loved to have a prequel to bad ass Becca in the CIA, I am sure she was good. I also appreciate the back story they are giving her. Back to Giancarlo, I cannot stop gazing into his eyes. He has this way he just looks at Becca. It's really sweat.
I was upset that Becca was not more careful with Paul. Was he truly going to hurt her. He set her up. I found great difficultly in believing Paul's credibility. He loves his son too much to hurt him, but does he love Becca? He was willing to have her thumb removed. Did he think it would come to that? Did he expect her to have backup? The story is a bit tangled when you are in the middle. If only we knew the big picture.
This episode was one of my favorites. I know I have grown to dislike this Violet character, who has many shades of grey (no pun intended). Now she and Dax are sleeping together. I just don't see the connection. Let's hope in the end Becca gets out of this alive. Let's face it, we all know she will.
Remember Guys Save Missing Sign the Petition
Rating 5.0 Stars
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Thursday, June 7, 2012
Rookie Blue: "A Good Shot" Review
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What is a good shot really? Epstein sure did not feel like he had done the world one better. Did his shooting have anything to do with class or ethnicity? I doubt it. He saw a man behind a counter with a hoodie? Is that grounds to shoot someone? Certainly not. Did the man look and act suspicious? Yes. Did he look like he had something to hide? Why would he dodge under a counter if he didn't? Maybe he was afraid that a cop would shoot him right there. The neighborhood had no reason to trust cops. However it still felt as though Epsetin jumped at a situation and it did not help that both were nervous and he was probably a scared cop. I felt as though he should not have raised his firearm so early. If that man was just a scared boy, he would have only heightened an already shaky situation. Anything could have been possible in that moment.
Why are the writers suddenly picking on Epstein this season, first he has his squad car stolen by foolishly leaving the keys in the car, then he shot someone under suspicious circumstances? It's like they are setting him up for some bigger changes in the future. This entire situation was shaky. I only knew the boy was wrong when he shot at Epstein, but Epstein could have been a dirty cop. When faced with a live situation like that, Epstein became just as scared as that boy and they became two scared guys with guns. He could not even recall that he shot his gun once. Didn't they check ballistics for that?
Speaking of changes Traci bumped up to detective? That is a huge change and I am proud of her. She truly strikes me as the one that would work hard to earn something she deserves and I was happy that her hard work paid off. What made me upset was Peck. She seemed to have applied to simply get on Traci's nerves. I understand her position as a Peck and holding on too the family name, but her cold sarcasm can sometimes be confusing to read. I don't think if a chance came to up size others, that she wouldn't take it. Had she gotten the job instead of Traci it would have clearly been an unfair advantage. Peck's relationship with this new guy is just as confusing. I guess it's one of those things you have to warm into if at all.
On a side note I saw the looks Sam was giving Andy. It made me happy for the two of them. My only concern would be the problem they have when faced with danger. Sam tends to get dramatic when his girl faces any kind of danger. It's sweet, but how they handled their relationship was also what got the both of them suspended so they should be careful and work on how they are together during tricky situations.
When SIU (Special Investigations Unit) interviewed Epstein I was worried for him. That woman was very good at her job, but she wasn't trying to help him either. She clearly sounded as though she had the best intention in the beginning, up until the questions sounded as though Epstein set out to kill the guy. His memory was fuzzy and she could take advantage of that, Epstein did the right thing by asking for his lawyer. I hope she returns though, those five to ten minutes of questioning were the edgiest. It was good that the gun was found and Epstein's name cleared. It didn't look like the SIU Officer was going to cut him any slack anyway. It was quite an easy catch though. Why would the guy who ran off with the gun not dispose of it right away? How sloppy it was of Detective Barber to disregard Epstein and not follow the same root Traci did? I am glad she didn't take his advice.
The side note with Noelle did not really catch my attention. Although I was concerned when she fell, that's about it. They need to do more with her storyline.
I was happy that we got to see the family side. The family of the deceased gave Sam and Andy a hard time with good cause. I wanted Sam and Andy to return to the family to instill some sort of hope that at least they were not the enemy.
Next week's installment showed Epstein still communicating with the family of the boy he killed. That only shows that he is not over the shooting and that is natural. It does not end after one episode. I would like to see how they handle that story. It was clearly not a good shot, otherwise this story would be over.
Rating 4 Stars
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Fairly Legal - Clueless Kate, What's your Deal Girl?
After tuning into Fairly Legal, lately it's been those treats Friday has to offer. I am here hoping my addiction to good television doesn't consume me again. So I am taking a piece that is intriguing one step at a time. I didn't want to only showcase my passion for Missing, I wanted to talk about something different. Relationships are challenging, even when you have found the right person. Right now I believe Justin is not the right person for Kate.
Last season when I was glued to my television, Kate was a mess. She was living out of a boat, she had her no strings attached relationship with Justin, her not yet divorced husband, and she was at odds with her stepmother. This season Kate's lifestyle has changed. She has agreed to a relationship with Justin and has a temporary residence at her step mothers place who is not as presumed wicked as last season.
While I appreciate any form of change for Kate, it would be better if she was not staying with Justin because it is safe. For those new to this series, Kate is someone who avoids making the complicated decisions. This also made her job as a mediator a challenge, because she always pushed to have others make up their own minds for themselves, without truly taking responsibility for herself. This definitely would be the reason you see Kate now having to spend extra time on cases that could be closed earlier. While I have always admired her passion for cases, I find Ben's actions more effective.
As an addition to the cast, it took me a little while to get used to Ben. He is wild, he makes decisions for his pure financial gain and can be self involved to a degree that may harm others around him. Somehow his input have frustrated the normal balance of life at Reed and Reed. Last week we were introduced to the actual idea of a real relationship between Ben and Kate. Prior to that Ben kissed Kate and there was definitely a spark, but now Kate is in hiding. Kate let us down I am sure when she stayed with Justin out of what it seemed was fear. She also slept with Justin because she was afraid to jump into bed with Ben.
I understand the history Justin and Kate had, but their paths in life are split at opposite ends. Justin always complained that with Kate it was always about work and he seemed to not appreciate her passion for her job. Now we only see him doing things for Kate and her cases because it matters to her, but not because he himself has some self interest in those cases. It's like he is just trying to impress her, but their relationship should have gone pass that stage after knowing each other for so long. Ben was the only one that showed compassion for her cases (no pun intended) and it is what possibly pushed him to care for Kate. Caring is something I thought Ben was not capable of, which made his passion for her even more interesting.
I thought maybe Ben was being a tease when he asked her out on a date, but he was being real. When Kate stayed over with Justin on the same day as the date I thought she lacked maturity. She needed to grow a pair. If Kate ran away from something so simple as a meeting, it is no question why she drags her cases on for as long as they are. Kate is a complex character. Just when you know the right thing for her to do, she does the opposite and when you want her to be brave, she becomes a coward. I hope some way down the line she can overcome some of the fears she has within herself. She can learn that when it comes to relationships, she would not know unless she tried.
Here is for wishing Kate the best on her next adventure, while encouraging her to make the tough decisions.
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Last season when I was glued to my television, Kate was a mess. She was living out of a boat, she had her no strings attached relationship with Justin, her not yet divorced husband, and she was at odds with her stepmother. This season Kate's lifestyle has changed. She has agreed to a relationship with Justin and has a temporary residence at her step mothers place who is not as presumed wicked as last season.
While I appreciate any form of change for Kate, it would be better if she was not staying with Justin because it is safe. For those new to this series, Kate is someone who avoids making the complicated decisions. This also made her job as a mediator a challenge, because she always pushed to have others make up their own minds for themselves, without truly taking responsibility for herself. This definitely would be the reason you see Kate now having to spend extra time on cases that could be closed earlier. While I have always admired her passion for cases, I find Ben's actions more effective.
As an addition to the cast, it took me a little while to get used to Ben. He is wild, he makes decisions for his pure financial gain and can be self involved to a degree that may harm others around him. Somehow his input have frustrated the normal balance of life at Reed and Reed. Last week we were introduced to the actual idea of a real relationship between Ben and Kate. Prior to that Ben kissed Kate and there was definitely a spark, but now Kate is in hiding. Kate let us down I am sure when she stayed with Justin out of what it seemed was fear. She also slept with Justin because she was afraid to jump into bed with Ben.
I thought maybe Ben was being a tease when he asked her out on a date, but he was being real. When Kate stayed over with Justin on the same day as the date I thought she lacked maturity. She needed to grow a pair. If Kate ran away from something so simple as a meeting, it is no question why she drags her cases on for as long as they are. Kate is a complex character. Just when you know the right thing for her to do, she does the opposite and when you want her to be brave, she becomes a coward. I hope some way down the line she can overcome some of the fears she has within herself. She can learn that when it comes to relationships, she would not know unless she tried.
Here is for wishing Kate the best on her next adventure, while encouraging her to make the tough decisions.
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Missing "Tell Me No Lies" - Rewind! Paul's Alive?
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We were probably just as surprised as they were. |
Becca: "Where has he been the pass 10 years, he is the father of my child. I mean did he love us at all?"
Becca's questions summed it up for us and it showed of Ashley Judd's skills as an actress. I believe every word she said.
This episode dealt with lack of honesty. First Paul, then Martin. Be it for the wrong or right reasons people still got hurt. The last episode asked was who was Becca, now we have no idea who Paul really is. These people lead so many secretive lives, it is hard to keep track of their original identity. We only base our true impressions of them on their character choices. What are the actions of someone who is dirty? The art of movie making and use of styles to keep us on edge. It also makes you hypersensitive to the twists writers throw your way. Even if I had my suspicions as to whether Paul was dead, this revelation was still a huge surprise.
"I wanted you to hold on too your good memories"
Martin comforted Becca after momentarily giving her the heaviest piece of information to carry; Paul was dirty. Somehow I believed Becca, she knew her husband and so I trusted her judgment. Although Paul did lie to her about his plans while he was away, there is still more to the story. Paul seems so honest. He taught his son the skills he needed to escape a high risk situation. He wanted to be in his son's life. That doesn't strike me as someone who would put his family in danger, nor does it sound like someone who would have his son abducted.
I was right from the beginning, I knew Michael's abduction had a lot more to the story. There was a lot Becca was not certain of. She was playing a game that bigger players knew the pieces too and she was struggling to survive the pawns handed her way. Becca is good at getting out of tricky situations, which makes me appreciate her devotion as a mother. It also makes me feel that Michael may not be in his housing situation for much longer if Becca persists.
If Michael also continues, he may also find a way to escape his troubles. Only unless he accepts Oskana as a loose end. Unfortunately he has already formed a connection with her. Since Oksana mentioned to the guard that Michael is trusting her, I wondered if she may be part of this entire scheme? Taking a few punches along the way to make the act convincing could be deceptive. I still may not trust her. Michael is a smart boy and he figured out his importance. He was like merchandise and no matter how annoying he was, they could not leave a scratch on him. The guard seemed like the only person around and was not much of a threat. Having such a spacy place to hold someone captive is also new, how could they not expect to lose Michael. I am certain those men planted in sniper positions outside the mansion would have too attend to bathroom breaks. Their hands are not glued to the gun. Which is probably why Oskana was placed to dissuade any plans of escape from Michael. It's not perfect, but it is something convincing.
I missed Giancarlo here. After he formed a truce with Dax last episode, I had hoped to see him at some point. I guess it was Paul and Becca's time. This was definitely their episode. Giancarlo's meaning to Becca had to be paused at the moment. Watching the kind of relationship Becca had with Paul was complex, but they found a way to make it work. It made me root for them. I believed that they loved each other. Even when Paul did his proposal gesture, it did not seem premature, it was simple and effective. Martin proved to be a decent father figure here. He comforted Becca in her time of need and he made sure and reaffirm Paul's love for her. There are still loads of unanswered questions that keeps Becca among the pawns. The only way for Becca to truly come out of this with Michael alive, is if she sees the whole picture clearly.
As for Dax, I really did not appreciate him second guessing Becca's 'surprise' to see Paul alive. She was genuine and after all they had been through, it is clear that all Becca wants is her son back. I had hoped for Dax to subconsciously come too her defense. If even it was his job to doubt her.
Another wonderful installment that was filled with emotion. Paul's disguise is one that can be debated and success calls to any series that can stir up a debate.
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Let's work together to save Missing. Read the 8 Steps and please Sign the petition.
4.5 Stars
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Missing "Pilot" Review - Re-edited
I understand the meaning of attachment. When someone becomes a part of you, they are so attached to the limb. Even when you are apart from them, you are still close. That is the kind of relationship I understood for Becca and Michael. She loves Michael. It's that simple. The acting is an acquired taste that pulls you into a Missing imagination. You can relate, but you have to let it sink in.
235@W' brought me back to the days I used to make up some kind of code my friend and I used to outsmart our kindergarten teacher. Things like that we forget now because we barely find the time to learn a new language unique to ourselves. I have forgotten the symbols I formed when I was younger, but it was cool. This is was when the pilot kept me glued. I found the pace a bit slow in the beginning. Becca was running, but I still felt as though I wanted to be on that run with her. When she passes by some people now warming up for their run, this kept it real. It is subtle things like that some writers forget to include. A sense of continuity prevails when we realize that the pilot is not when Becca's life begins, we have partially interrupted a portion of time from Becca's life. That run looked very good too.
When I did my research on the title of course mainly serious matters appear. That is missing children among many. It can be a very sad topic to think about. This can hurt this new series. If at some point it turns out to be clichéd and overacted or just boring, it does no justice to the real issues that exist in society. Who can or should be entertained by someone being abducted? This series however slowly parts from that perspective and focuses on the perils of a mother. We see the connection a mother has with her child and we feel the torture of watching your child grow up and then mature away from a mother's oversight.
Clearly this explosion was an oversight. When Paul's car exploded during a conversation Becca was having with her son it lends itself to the drama television somehow creates, but not in real life. How would the Becca Winstone of this time deal with hearing an explosion and not knowing what happened on the other end of the phone. Unfortunately this was not truly delved into. The writers thought it more important to show Michael survived and Paul did not. It was clear, no more debate. I still felt that about ten years later, watching Becca run with Michael happy did not wet my appetite. Did the child actor look like present day Michael? Maybe. We don't care at this point. How did this explosion affect their lives? We do not get to see that.
Far beyond it, moving on we focus on Becca as a mother. She is ordinary and works in a flower shop. Did Becca always work there and was her life spent in flowers, what led to her husband's explosion? This is where her CIA past becomes clearer when she goes searching for Michael in Rome. After departing from her son in the airport as a grown man and not hearing from him, Becca found herself in his dorm. Missing moves fast when it comes to editing and pushing a lot of information at once, but it does not seem rushed at this point. We learn to accept it and move with it. We meet new characters like Becca's guy on the other end of the phone, Giancarlo who is very attractive. Why are they not allowed to talk and why was she not supposed to call him again? He still has the same number after so many years? Or was it a recent departure? This is when you get submerged in the plot and move with the flow. Sure there are moments that seemed dramatized for television "I am a mother looking for her son". I don't seem to mind it much. The characters represent some form of a fraction of life and theater we adore. It entertains. Still it has not yet focused on the detrimental sides of an abduction, but just on the reaction of a mother. Anyone can relate, and if not as a mother then as a child.
So yeah we look for many things in a pilot. 1) A relationship, 2) Action 3) A story we can actually follow. Spy movies and television series have been done and overdone time and time again. Let's face it we all picture at some point being spies in our minds and keeping secrets that no one else but you and a selective few know. We let our minds explore the possibilities of anonymity to hide away our true selves and we escape. We pride ourselves on learning skills and holding the wealth of technology in our palms. These are all trade qualities we crave sometimes on a long on the clock day of work, come on it happens. If not then through the people we socialize with. I forget all that with Missing. I don't need to compare with other series because it stands on its own. So the pilot worked for me and I caught the reruns when available.
The writing of this series comes full circle in the pilot when Michael tried to make sense of his symbol with his mother. Part of how it all began, to end with Becca knowing that his son stayed at a place where that symbol existed. It melts you in a way that not many truly understand. Some shows are just there for you to look at but Missing goes the extra mile to pull a cast from all over to have a home in one sitting. That is truly remarkable.
Got to keep the story alive so that it would not be forgotten.
SAVE MISSING - Sign the Petition
4.8 Stars - Reassessed with a glimmer of perfection, but still needing that push to be greater.
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235@W' brought me back to the days I used to make up some kind of code my friend and I used to outsmart our kindergarten teacher. Things like that we forget now because we barely find the time to learn a new language unique to ourselves. I have forgotten the symbols I formed when I was younger, but it was cool. This is was when the pilot kept me glued. I found the pace a bit slow in the beginning. Becca was running, but I still felt as though I wanted to be on that run with her. When she passes by some people now warming up for their run, this kept it real. It is subtle things like that some writers forget to include. A sense of continuity prevails when we realize that the pilot is not when Becca's life begins, we have partially interrupted a portion of time from Becca's life. That run looked very good too.
When I did my research on the title of course mainly serious matters appear. That is missing children among many. It can be a very sad topic to think about. This can hurt this new series. If at some point it turns out to be clichéd and overacted or just boring, it does no justice to the real issues that exist in society. Who can or should be entertained by someone being abducted? This series however slowly parts from that perspective and focuses on the perils of a mother. We see the connection a mother has with her child and we feel the torture of watching your child grow up and then mature away from a mother's oversight.
Clearly this explosion was an oversight. When Paul's car exploded during a conversation Becca was having with her son it lends itself to the drama television somehow creates, but not in real life. How would the Becca Winstone of this time deal with hearing an explosion and not knowing what happened on the other end of the phone. Unfortunately this was not truly delved into. The writers thought it more important to show Michael survived and Paul did not. It was clear, no more debate. I still felt that about ten years later, watching Becca run with Michael happy did not wet my appetite. Did the child actor look like present day Michael? Maybe. We don't care at this point. How did this explosion affect their lives? We do not get to see that.
Far beyond it, moving on we focus on Becca as a mother. She is ordinary and works in a flower shop. Did Becca always work there and was her life spent in flowers, what led to her husband's explosion? This is where her CIA past becomes clearer when she goes searching for Michael in Rome. After departing from her son in the airport as a grown man and not hearing from him, Becca found herself in his dorm. Missing moves fast when it comes to editing and pushing a lot of information at once, but it does not seem rushed at this point. We learn to accept it and move with it. We meet new characters like Becca's guy on the other end of the phone, Giancarlo who is very attractive. Why are they not allowed to talk and why was she not supposed to call him again? He still has the same number after so many years? Or was it a recent departure? This is when you get submerged in the plot and move with the flow. Sure there are moments that seemed dramatized for television "I am a mother looking for her son". I don't seem to mind it much. The characters represent some form of a fraction of life and theater we adore. It entertains. Still it has not yet focused on the detrimental sides of an abduction, but just on the reaction of a mother. Anyone can relate, and if not as a mother then as a child.
So yeah we look for many things in a pilot. 1) A relationship, 2) Action 3) A story we can actually follow. Spy movies and television series have been done and overdone time and time again. Let's face it we all picture at some point being spies in our minds and keeping secrets that no one else but you and a selective few know. We let our minds explore the possibilities of anonymity to hide away our true selves and we escape. We pride ourselves on learning skills and holding the wealth of technology in our palms. These are all trade qualities we crave sometimes on a long on the clock day of work, come on it happens. If not then through the people we socialize with. I forget all that with Missing. I don't need to compare with other series because it stands on its own. So the pilot worked for me and I caught the reruns when available.
The writing of this series comes full circle in the pilot when Michael tried to make sense of his symbol with his mother. Part of how it all began, to end with Becca knowing that his son stayed at a place where that symbol existed. It melts you in a way that not many truly understand. Some shows are just there for you to look at but Missing goes the extra mile to pull a cast from all over to have a home in one sitting. That is truly remarkable.
Got to keep the story alive so that it would not be forgotten.
SAVE MISSING - Sign the Petition
4.8 Stars - Reassessed with a glimmer of perfection, but still needing that push to be greater.
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Missing "Ice Queen" Review - Who are you really Becca?
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What I did appreciate was the continuity and ties Mary presented to Becca's changed lifestyle. She was a single mother, she attended PTA's and was involved in her son's life. Becca was the whole package that came with being an ordinary mom for about 10 years. That's is something we should not forget, hence Mary's reappearance reminding us of such. If my friend left suddenly to find out about her son's whereabouts and I hadn't heard from her since, I would be concerned as well.
We left off from that incredible scene from Ashley Judd, where the plane took off with Michael. Becca uses CIA support to bring the plane down, but Michael was no where on it. Which was odd. Had the plane taken a detour before it landed? Aside from future thorough checks of the plane and questioning some blonde woman, the CIA gave up. All I knew was that whoever came off that plane would be guilty... of something. There is no way they would not be involved somehow. At this point everything is a puzzle when it comes to Michael. Who are his abductors? Do they want a ransom? Is Becca the real target? None of those questions are made clear.
We only see Michael awaken in some huge palace like place that appears to be isolated. A lot of people have compared Missing with the movie "Taken", but here is where it differs. We get to see Michael's side of things and experience his side of the capture. One thing is made clear, Michael is definitely part of some bigger conspiracy that highly likely deals with Becca's past as a CIA agent. One main reason for showing Michael's story would be to give the viewer hope that he would try and free himself.
Giancarlo has been taking the back seat lately under Becca's orders. I was certain it was an attempt to keep him from being involved in her difficult situation. Giancarlo was already invested and something about his character made him seem more to Becca and made Becca someone special to him... but what is their history? Was he an asset like Hard Drive, or did she work with him sometime before she met Paul? Those were the questions running through my mind at the moment. In addition to how attractive he was as well as trustworthy, I had a crush. When Giancarlo went the extra mile to help Becca this time I was happy Becca had the support. The CIA was holding back almost as though Becca was not trustworthy to them. I would expect Dax to bend over back after watching Becca grieve on the airport grounds. She wasn't faking that. His confidence in what Becca saw plummeted.
Which leads us to Mary's concern for Becca. Becca completely forgot about that life, who blames her. Mary was persistent. She called all over in hopes of finding her friend who had forgotten all about her. Up until the point she decided to close the shop and travel to Rome to find her. Mary would have probably made a good agent with her level of determination. Unfortunately she was my least favorite character here. As much as I wanted to, I could not care for her story that seemed too cliched. Her husband left her for someone probably younger after years of a troubled relationship. Mary no longer had a home. Her character needed a little more development on my part. When she offloaded on Becca for abandoning her, she had no clue what Becca was involved in and that made sense. Becca had just fed her a story about Michael running away with some girl so Mary would go home.
As much as I try to review small elements of each episode it turns out to be a long review regardless because the importance of detail this series pays attention to. It makes me feel like if anything is left out, you would not get the entire picture. It makes each piece substantial in this series. I loved how Mary sensed that Giancarlo loved Becca, I sensed it too. Especially when Becca asked him to pretend for them too be lovers so that Mary would be safe and return home. If only Giancarlo had not been so convincing. I was glad to see Mary leave as much as a significance her character was. After she discovered the truth about Becca, staying would only have Mary killed in the end.
While this episode was not as strong as the first two installments the chemistry among characters grew along with each storyline and new revelations in plot. It surely made me expect more from episode 4 "Tell me No Lies".
Please Missing tell me no lies, Missing you are my new favorite. Hey it turned out the blonde woman was dirty after all, but why would a sniper shoot her instead of Becca with a clear shot in the end?
Rating 4.5 Stars
Remeber guys, pass the message and Save Missing by signing the petition.
New Follow SaveMissing on Twiiter
Follow @SaveMissing
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Saturday, June 2, 2012
8 Basic Steps to Save Missing
A group of fans (SaveMissing among many) have come together to save the series we have grown to love, but it seems as though petitions and fan pages in the past did not have the reaction it needed from the stations to pick up the show again. Some of us have agreed on a set structure to get more fans unified rather than having a bunch of petitions scattered all over, we could focus on a few and pool these together to make a more recognizable difference. These are the steps you need to follow if you truly love Missing, these are the stages for you.
1. Information is power.
These are the twitter pages of the main cast on Missing. Whenever we are referencing them, we use their pages and keep them in the loop.
ASHLEY JUDD as Becca Winstone and her Official Website
CLIFF CURTIS as Dax Miller is unfortunately no longer on Twitter
NICK EVERSMAN as Michael Winstone
ADRIANO GIANNINI as Giancarlo Rossi
2. "Like" Save ABC's 'Missing' (Season 2) on Facebook
There is more in numbers just click like below.
3. Sign these Petitions
After a little research I managed to pull together these petitions that stood out. I know I have been talking about this one a lot, but I still felt as though there were so many shows I loved before but said nothing. Now I would not know if I had said something if things would have been different.
Click on the link below to sign the online petition. Petition 1 - Time to make a change for the betterment of fans
ipetitions Petition 2
Twition Petition 3
4. Follow SaveMissing on Twitter
Just click follow below
Follow @SaveMissing
5. Write your letter
Make it personal. If you can add in a tid bit related to your life then that would be all the better.
Guys, it may not be this long, but it could have the simple ingredients.
a) Why you love Missing
b) How does its absence from television impact your life
c) What is a quality of the series that is outstanding.
You can write you letter to ABC here
You can write your letter to CBS here
You can write your letter to FOX here
You can write your letter to NBC here
6) Share these Steps
The more people that know the better we can help the series and as a community work together to bring Missing back.
Tweet to @SaveMissing
7) State in the comments why you love or want to see Missing back.
8) Talk with the cast on Twitter, they are really cool people.
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1. Information is power.
These are the twitter pages of the main cast on Missing. Whenever we are referencing them, we use their pages and keep them in the loop.
ASHLEY JUDD as Becca Winstone and her Official Website
CLIFF CURTIS as Dax Miller is unfortunately no longer on Twitter
NICK EVERSMAN as Michael Winstone
ADRIANO GIANNINI as Giancarlo Rossi
Keep in touch with the Creator/Executive Producer of #MissingABC
GREGORY POIRIER2. "Like" Save ABC's 'Missing' (Season 2) on Facebook
There is more in numbers just click like below.
3. Sign these Petitions
After a little research I managed to pull together these petitions that stood out. I know I have been talking about this one a lot, but I still felt as though there were so many shows I loved before but said nothing. Now I would not know if I had said something if things would have been different.
Click on the link below to sign the online petition. Petition 1 - Time to make a change for the betterment of fans
ipetitions Petition 2
Twition Petition 3
4. Follow SaveMissing on Twitter
Just click follow below
Follow @SaveMissing
5. Write your letter
Make it personal. If you can add in a tid bit related to your life then that would be all the better.
eg. Dear ABC Network
I am an avid viewer of Missing since Mar. 15, 2012. I heard about this series through a friend who thought I needed to watch an action series because I was getting too grumpy at work. He said it was clear that the stress was getting to me. He was right, I was not myself. Usually I would go straight to sleep and wake up just as miserable. There came a time when I took his advice, some shows have escaped me recently, but Missing stood out. I had not seen Ashley Judd in a long time and it was refreshing to see her again on television. I am 25 and I work too much, but I liked seeing Ashley kick some butt. My boyfriend did not like it when I tried to practice on him the stunts Judd pulled off, I would not be trying that again. I thank you for hosting this series on your station. So if you must know my bf has forgiven me and we have sat down every week after the pilot to watch Missing together.
My heart sunk when you announced the cancellation. It was something that I looked forward to every Thursday night after work. I am truly saddened, because Missing is a big part of my life. It lends the opportunity for me to be relaxed if only for one day a week. I assure you the fan base is growing. Where I work almost the entire staff talks about Missing, along with their families and their families. I just need you to understand the fan base that is greatly saddened to have Missing leave. Please find a way in which to bring this series back if even for a short second season. I admire how passionate these actors are about their work and it is yet another reason I love this series.
My heart sunk when you announced the cancellation. It was something that I looked forward to every Thursday night after work. I am truly saddened, because Missing is a big part of my life. It lends the opportunity for me to be relaxed if only for one day a week. I assure you the fan base is growing. Where I work almost the entire staff talks about Missing, along with their families and their families. I just need you to understand the fan base that is greatly saddened to have Missing leave. Please find a way in which to bring this series back if even for a short second season. I admire how passionate these actors are about their work and it is yet another reason I love this series.
Lexa Cliche.
Guys, it may not be this long, but it could have the simple ingredients.
a) Why you love Missing
b) How does its absence from television impact your life
c) What is a quality of the series that is outstanding.
You can write you letter to ABC here
You can write your letter to CBS here
You can write your letter to FOX here
You can write your letter to NBC here
6) Share these Steps
The more people that know the better we can help the series and as a community work together to bring Missing back.
Tweet to @SaveMissing
7) State in the comments why you love or want to see Missing back.
8) Talk with the cast on Twitter, they are really cool people.
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