Triangles are usually associated with love affairs and mixed feelings within mixed relationships. Now 'Triangles' could have been placed on the Cooper-Charlotte-Sheldon trio, where Cooper couldn't bare the jealousy of Charlotte and another man together, the triangle could be placed among Addison-Pete-and-Sam or even Addison-Sam-and-Naomi. This episode bore it's focus on so many triangular related plots, that even the title had to succumb to it. If there was any doubt about the triangular theme, Naomi-White-and-Fife should put the final touch on the many altered and complex relationships already existing.
It was surprising how cleverly the writers made Naomi aware of the Sam and Addison love-friend-lover-whatever-affair going on. It was an awkward stage between the two of them and Addison held off on being with Sam only to have Naomi still be angry with her. Addison was wrong for allowing her feelings for Sam to go beyond friendship, but she should have just held her tongue and avoid mentioning the kiss between her and Sam, no matter how much her guilty conscience weighed down on her. By the look of things, Naomi and Addison would not be mending fences soon. Even though Naomi has moved on with her life 'seemingly', that doesn't mean that she shouldn't harbor feelings of resentment after the discovery of her best friend's interest in her ex husband.
Addison carries a lot of baggage her way; firstly she has dealt with an affair, simply sleeping with every attractive guy she is confronted with. It's almost deplorable the sexual weight Addison has built within her profile, the last person anyone would expect her to end up with was Sam. It's more of a betrayal of trust, than it is anything else. Which was probably why Addison felt the need to push Sam away, to avoid the huge melodrama of it all. In all fairness, was Addison ready to be a mother to Maya? Because that would be a fact she would have to consider if she and Sam ever got together. Which was also why she had to consider getting into a relationship with Pete and Lucas. It's not just sleeping with men anymore, it's more taking on the responsibility of caring for the excess baggage welcomed in her lifestyle.
The entire Cooper-Charlotte-Sheldon melodrama also needed a bit refining. The scene between them in the kitchen was indeed a testosterone adrenaline rush. Who knew Sheldon had it in him? Although I believed Cooper was being a jerk, Sheldon seemed the least likely to win the fight. Had Charlotte not interrupted, who knew what other parts would have been bruised. It was nice that Private Practice incorporated this funny scene for viewers. Everything else has shed a certain depressing tone when it came to relationships and case stories.
This was frankly the second episode without Amy Brenneman (Violet) and I assure you writers I miss her very much. I don't understand the absence. Violet would probably cause conflict between Addison and Sam, that the writers could be giving their relationship some time to develop before it falls apart. Wouldn't Sheldon also find it strange that he's sleeping with another woman in the same place he once slept with Violet. Doesn't that raise a few psychological pressing answers in his head? Sheldon has grown an inch of attraction with his features, I don't know if it is the make up, but it is a wonder whether Charlotte carries true feelings for him, or whether this is another physical relationship for her.
It was fun that Addison hijacked an elevator just to talk to Sheldon, had he not been around, what would have been her case?
The case where Sam's new girlfriend takes over Addison's patient was pressing. I wouldn't be surprised if the husband would press charges against the girlfriend, for her medical mishap that caused his wife to become brain dead. It was sad the way the actual parents preferred their babies lives over the woman who was carrying them. This is actually a case I would like to have a continuation; where the husband sues Sam for malpractice and his girlfriend, then let''s have the writers come up with the rest. The second case dealing with the 'imaginary friend' was new and interesting appealing to sensitive real facts of denial and coping for both the patient and the doctors.
I admire the direction Private Practice has taken, very sensible and well developed plots. I would actually have preferred it had Addison kept her self quiet and stayed away from the complications of relationships. They don't ever work out the way she intends it and someone indirectly always ends up getting hurt.
Four Stars
Grade B+
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