Alicia is too good a wife that it makes her naive as she focuses purely on her family and continuously neglects herself and her needs. I have been observing Peter's actions from last season and he hasn't once showed signs of guilt, or regret. He only felt saddened through his misfortune and loss of almost everything in his life. It almost sickened me during that sex scene between them. He was more willing to rip off her clothes like an animal, rather than make love to her as his wife. Peter is even gaining control in the bedroom department, something that Alicia always had over him. It's depressing; their love story turned into a despicable tale of sorrows and disgust; more for the audience.
I always cheered for Will and Alicia, because he always loved her not because of her physical attributes, but because of her intelligence reflected through their intimate friendship. It was more disturbing watching Will flash eyes of resentment towards Alicia. This episode opened not too long after the dreaded phone call, where Alicia had to make a tough decision, between her family and the man she was falling in love with. Whoever taught Will that he should leave life changing message over voice-mail, fooled him drastically. Do you know how many messages get lost or are not retrieved, Will was truly naive himself to have the voice message be the decision options for Alicia. He should have flown there in person, to save manipulators like Eli Gold from intercepting an important message. Oh! I'm certain Will didn't count on the Eli Golds that would sabotage a relationship before it began at least he has the entire season to learn from his mistakes.
The writing of 'The Good Wife' is so intricate and intense at the same time. They manage to bring real facts; formulating plot-lines that are placed perfectly. The new partner Derek Bond, sheds light on the problems Lockhart and Gardner faced last season. Now they are willing to do anything to keep the firm standing. Derek and Will have bonded far beyond their names. They have managed to score past conflict, but rest solely on results. I sense Diane being left out slightly, she and Will are strong independent leaders, but have often clashed when it came to work.
The law business seems to put a lot of people at odds, promoting more foes that can be counted. I always disliked Carey for his competitive, cold-heated nature. He was always out for himself and saw people as parts in the game he played. He was a good lawyer; he had his moments, but somehow Alicia was better. This season Alicia and Carey would clash a lot, for Carey it would be personal because Alicia took a place he believed belonged to him. Then, it seemed like sweet revenge, but now he is trying to prove himself; working form the enemy in the audience eyes makes him slimier than he used to be.
Another interaction we were familiar with was Alicia's friendship with Kalinda. Kalinda herself is getting competition with a fellow employee, who seems to be as good as she is and knows more about her past than the audience. I knew something was up with him when she ran into him at the apartment. He seemed suspicious somehow; giving her access to the room knowing clearly she was there to do exactly what he was up to. What is their tension about anyway? This Blake character seems threatening, and I am not certain if I completely like him. The best moment was when Kalinda decided to announce that she was ready to help Alicia, but Blake was already on the case. Alicia sees Kalinda as a friend, and whatever trickery Blake has up his sleeve, Alicia would not crack under his childish pressure.
Except for the Alicia and Peter scenes, this episode was exceptional, but it hurt watching Will and Alicia be so distant. Hopefully Will would get over the incident long enough to rationalize that maybe she did not get the message. Time would tell.
Picture Courtesy: tvfanatic.com
Four and a Half Stars
Grade A-
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