'Life Unexpected' was very cheesy (no pun intended). Beautiful Picture -----------> Instead we have the typical wedding jitters, still in love with another man Cate and a teary eyed Ryan willing to do the right thing. Not to mention Baze who typically falls for the 'if you love her let her go', then to have him figure things out at the last minute. Why didn't he just get out of his car and run! Grab a Taxi or run like his life depended on it. Instead the moments leading up to Cate's wedding was filled with uncertainty, an identity crisis, a love inflicted wound, a dangerous-almost love affair and a guilt ridden Lux for pushing Cate to marry Ryan, who couldn't possibly realize the damaged emotions she already has towards Baze. That in itself was an overwhelming ride at the circus. Somehow I didn't like this one.
I could sense that Cate and Ryan wasn't the happily ever after type. They just don't emit those feelings of love you would appreciate from a couple. I believe that Ryan should show some jealousy towards Baze and Cate's moments alone together. The plots don't sync up with each other. I don't buy the sudden epiphany Baze had with his father and his rush of emotions over Cate. I believe he cares for her deeply and for the sake of Lux, their relationship could be more, but I don't believe he loves her. As for Ryan, I believe he wants something to be there that isn't, and it is a shocker that the wedding actually went through because that means they have to work through their messy issues together as a real couple.
When Cate kissed Ryan to solidify the marriage, it felt like it was done out of spite to get back at Baze for letting her down again. That's not how a marriage should start off. She should not have gotten until those issues for Baze were resolved. There is not much that could be done now, Baze would have to remain with that embarrassing moment plunging into the chapel unannounced. Maybe he should have RSVP to avoid the embarrassment and melodrama of it all. i sensed that Lux felt obligated in that moment. I enjoyed the cold shoulder she gave Ryan, but I did not enjoy Ryan's sappy moment. Lux gave a mature speech to Cate, which leaves me reminding myself that this girl is only fifteen and already she has to council her mother into saying 'I do'. She could not have predicted Baze rushing into the Chapel like that, ad I believe she was doing what she thought was best for Cate.
I have no idea where this show could go next. All am expecting is a hint in Lux's life as a foster child and some past acquaintances of her lifetime. Lux had a whole other life before Cate and Ryan and that should be taken up on a deeper level. I don't really care for the Cate-Ryan-Baze stuff, all of that is just relationship drama that is screened everyday, just with different characters. It was nice to have Lux's parents be official in a life, that was a decent moving step.
Three and a half Stars
Grade C
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