If only we can all Escape from all our troubles, leave the misery and constant confusion behind and say hello to a life of 'Happily Ever After'. Sadly this fairytale of a dream, turned into a nightmare for Lois and Clark while vacationing. Who knew that a Bed and Breakfast could get more entertainment with an addition of a tale, bringing new prospects to storytelling and role-play?
Firstly I didn't buy that Clark would take five seconds away from his 'saving the world' trend, just to be with Lois as hard core as that sounds. Clark has been so fixated on saving mankind, that just to pull him away from it would literally be like ripping a band-aid off that was merged with your skin. Completely terrifying! He would ever believe that duty could take a vacation.
So I gather this was one for the fans. We want to see Lois and Clark getaway and we want to have their relationship solidified. One question though, did Clark truly believe Lois' desire was to go to a Bed and Breakfast, even if he saw the pamphlet saying so, couldn't he have looked at it and said "Lois wants to go to a bed and breakfast?". At some point when he figured out it was Chloe's pamphlet and not Lois', "I knew a bed and breakfast was not like you" should be uttered from Clark, just to add a little comedy to the tense moment created when Chloe and Oliver's unofficial love affair came to the forefront.
I don't fully understand Chloe's need to remain unattached from the relationship title. I believe Jimmy has a lot to do with that. Chloe probably believes that if she lets anyone close enough they would get hurt, as I am sure she blames herself for Jimmy's death.
It was fun seeing jealous Lois leaving the naked Chloe and Clark in the bathroom. I hoped from the promotions that that bathroom scene was meant for Lois and Clark, but of course, the placing of each clip at such a fast pace was meant to deceive us. We were able to get a full portion of Lois and Clark moments. We had the bed scene where I kept wondering about Clark's libido with regards to the bed as Chloe pointed out. Here we have Clark encouraging 'sex'ual tension, but the issue with his past (person I would refrain from mentioning), he had issues in that department. Then we have Clark's father teaching him how to control 'it' (those lessons turned out to be beneficial, I wonder how long and what exactly was taught - or do we want to know?). It's good that part of Clark's training involved the lesson on how to 'be with' humans. "Dad I have some problems in that area, could you be of any assistance" (Okay sort of went off track with that one).
As for that big Tess and Zod revelation, it seemed as though Zod was able to control his libido, something that probably comes along with his flight ability. It is actually impressive how Zod referred to Tess as strong, as though she had some powers of her own. What makes their relationship interesting is the secrets. I actually wondered for a moment whether the bed scene was a bit of a trap to encourage Tess to reveal them, but Tess was right 'knowledge is power'. I believe Zod is more attracted to her wit than anything else, and since when does Zod know how to use a cell phone, receive text messages and operate a voice decrypter? Somebody's definitely upping their game.
My only fear is for Lois and the plan Zod has for her, especially when she believes that Zod is the blur. Didn't things add up when Clark was in the room and she was talking to the blur? Anyway, Clark seemed too oblivious to that conversation, especially since he could have easily used his super-hearing to detect a fraud. Obviously Lois began acting suspicious. I hope she lets Clark in unto her conversation with 'the blur', she herself promised to be more open with Clark, but she also admitted that some secrets are best left that way. The tables could spin either way.
That's it for now, I am certainly glad that the wait for Smallville is over. Let's hope that Lois doesn't grab the double date initiative for her, Clark, Chloe and Oliver. I was almost expecting a small jealous bone from Lois with regards to Oliver or even a small kiss when she was possessed. Oh by the way writers, please stop having Lois be taken over by anything other than her craziness. We can actually count the amount of times that Lois became someone else, it's becoming annoying. Everything else was unnecessary in my opinion, why couldn't Lois and Clark have a drama-less vacation getaway, with the only excitement being the tension of bunking up with Chloe and Oliver. I kind of expected more from this one though. Oh, but thumbs up to Lois and her many suitcases.
Three and a half Stars
Grade B-
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