Jenny goes officially independent. Serena picks up an obnoxious Aaron who hides his occasional series of girl philander, only to reveal his multiple partner orientation after Serena catches him dining with another. Blair's mother picks up a new boyfriend, well man-friend and Dan tries to bring down Bass.
This episode was filled with a lot of up and downs, twists and turns. I have to admit, I really didn't take to all the drama.
Aaron is in way over his head and strikes me as a crafty downer.It amazes me that Serena didn't catch on to his multiplicity sooner. Apparently making out in Times square captured on the big screen doesn't really mean you're a 'couple'. Frankly this Aaron character is sickening me. If he didn't want to have the 'we're an item' title attached, why did he hide his multiple partners? Why did he say they were 'just friends' and 'just hanging'? why didn't he just come clean? Was he afraid that he would loose Serena, it seemed like Serena was pretty okay with it. Come on Serena, you're next relationship is supposed to be a step up from Dan. Does this Aaron guy deserve this amount of girl on girl attention, it's just to disturbing to think about. Come on Aaron you're not all that, are you packing extra baggage we don't know about. Yet to be seen.
What's up with Jenny and her 'I want to grow up now' crisis. Agnes is the typical 'I would totally help you...after my hangover' kind of friend and boy does Jenny know how to pick'em. Jenny is fifteen and already she wants to start her own business, move out from under her father's roof and bunk with a friend. Isn't she livin'it'up, well that's until Agnes decides that she doesn't want a roomie again. The one scene in this entire episode that disappointed me was when Agnes threw Jenny's designs in the trash and tries to burn them. Jenny had every chance to remove them from the trash before Agnes lit them on fire, or even head butt Agnes to the ground before she threw the flame in the trash, but Jenny just stood there and screamed at her. "Agnes what are you doing!". Are you kidding me? That could have played off much better. One question, after Jenny got kicked out by Agnes and didn't return home, what couch was she lying down on when she called her potential agent? Where is Jenny staying now that she's on her own.
Blair played it typical, trying to sabotage her mother's relationship. Seems like Blair is developing a conscience more and more each episode. Still I don't blame her for trying to get rid of her future papa. lol. Chuck and his need to have his father in his life who is known for neglecting him. Did I see a hint of jealousy when Chuck's dad played the son card with Dan. I'm sure we all saw that one. This week Dan crossed over into dangerous water and got caught up in the crossfire with the Bass. It's good that he developed a conscience before it was too late. Looks like Rufus is losing his grip on his children. The more they socialize with Manhattan's elite, the more they become just like them. Watch out Rufus, seems like Jenny is trying to relinquish all parental ties and become her own adult. Was Dan right? Should Rufus just give Jenny what she wants, let her win? Or is it already too late to do that.
Since Nate picked up and left and Vanessa no longer a pal, Jenny is really on her own. I'm really interested in what happens next episode, I hope Jenny gets her act together before the curtains close.
Two and a half out of four stars
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